Daily Aquarius Horoscope July 29 (29/07)


Jan 20 − Feb 18

Alias: Alias: The Water Bearer

July 29


daily aquarius horoscope:

summary aquarius daily

Star 7/10

You can find most of the answers you need most of the time, but there can be benefits to allowing yourself to be assisted with a little help from your friends or one in particular. Try not to be so defensive or protective toward something you ought to allow someone the chance to offer insight with. Their fresh and detached approach could be precisely what your cherished plan needs.


summary aquarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

In trying to reach a compromise with one or two others in your world, youre not selling yourself short in any way. What requires a collaborative effort needs you to be flexible in terms of what others can contribute, and if you send out a clear message that youre willing to be receptive to what they can bring to the proverbial party, then youll find your ideas and contributions are more eagerly accepted and embraced.


summary aquarius weekly

Star 10/10

You might discover a new and strong gust of wind in your sails as something youve struggled to accomplish or possibly make sense of becomes noticeably easier. This probably has much to do with certain people or possibly one person in particular providing support in ways you havent received it so far. Youre not as alone with a quest as youve believed yourself to be. You deserve more support than youve had available and that something the sky insists is coming.


summary aquarius monthly

Star 10/10

If youre a Water Bearer looking for love, then numerous opportunities exist this month to enjoy some memorable and heartwarming encounters. Venus is at hand for most of July but will need to see some proactivity from you if youre to benefit from magic she has in store. With so much strong emphasis on forming or strengthening relationships, coming weeks can be truly spectacular for affairs of the heart. Try not to be resentful toward developments around the Full Moon on the 9th. What gets brought into the open has needed to be acknowledged for some time.


health aquarius daily

Star 10/10

There is a lot of energy whirling around these days, but you have the benefit of grounded energy if you choose to use it (\use it or loose\ it most definitely applies!). You may want to increase your intake of water and decrease your intake of caffeine and carbonated substances. Steer away from heavy foods and keep your natural energy \"well-positioned\" by eating homemade soups and salads prepared fresh with seasonal vegetables. These minor efforts can have maximum effect.


health aquarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

This is a wonderfully inspired period enabling you to make plans for the future. This includes designing a house, planning a trip, or outlining a health regimen for the next three months. You have all that you need: determination, precision, creativity, and vision. Use your energy like an antenna reaching out into your future. How do you want to look and feel in 3 short months? Use your determination and skills to make it happen!


health aquarius weekly

Star 8/10

You might feel a bit under the weather, but you\ll be fine as long as you eat the foods that give you strength. Junk food isn\t a good idea right now because it can leave you feeling even weaker and more depleted. Aspects in your social zone indicate this is a good time to team up with others in order to get fit or perhaps join a weight-loss program.


health aquarius monthly

Star 10/10

You could be in the midst of a phase in which youre eager to change your habits for the better. Perhaps the most important factor is to recognize any awkward situations that give rise to intense emotions and cause you to indulge in the wrong foods. Getting a handle on these over the coming weeks could put you in a better position to start eating right and generally take better care of yourself. Sharing your concerns with a good friend or perhaps a therapist or life coach can help set you on the right track and enable you to feel much better almost immediately.


love aquarius daily

Star 7/10

This could be a day full of mixed influences, but not without a lot of promise. You may find that whilst certain areas of your life may be a little confused at the moment, one particular area is about to shine. Through discussing some very new and original ideas, or by sharing something that is very dear to you, you may develop a strong bond with someone. Surprise!


love aquarius tomorrow

Star 8/10

You know that something is looming large on the horizon, that someone is about to come into your life in a big way. As yet you may not be sure just who it is, but if you look around carefully, the signs are all there. You may, however, be in for a surprise that you had not anticipated. That is just how strongly you actually do feel about this person.


love aquarius weekly

Star 8/10

Theres still a lot for you to learn about your secret celebrity crush, so what are you waiting for? Unless theyre taken, theres a chance. Stranger things have happened. A more down-to-earth match is waiting for you around the corner over the weekend, but you have to be aware of your surroundings in order to meet them. Look up from your phone every so often to see who might be gazing in your direction.


love aquarius monthly

Star 8/10

The July 5 Sun/Neptune trine brings a heightened sense of connection, so networking groups and matchmaking sites are particularly helpful. You know that meant to be feeling you had when you met that certain someone? Theres probably something to it. The Sun enters confident Leo on July 22, and when youre sure of yourself you can reach some pretty lofty romantic goals. Now that youre in loves spotlight, what will your act be? Youre looking for a stimulating union during the Mars/Sun conjunction on July 26, and only someone who shares your eccentricity will do. If you cant be odd together, it might not work.


career aquarius daily

Star 10/10

The opposition has gained major backing recently. Suddenly, you are looking to yourself and asking, what have you done? Have you been actively gaining the support of others? If not, you may need to think about doing so. The sooner the better.


career aquarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

Combine your gut instinct and clear, intuitive mind with a practical approach. The more grounded you are today, the better off you will be. At the same time, trust your instincts. These are the most valuable tools you have in your toolbox.


career aquarius weekly

Star 8/10

You would be wise to speak less and listen more now. Expect your work life to be enjoyable. Workmates can be especially helpful during this time. Spend some time getting better organized. These are lucky days to apply for a new or better position. Have the courage to speak with authority. The more confident you feel, the more positive the results. Teamwork brings you the most satisfaction now.


career aquarius monthly

Star 9/10

Important information could come to light around July 9. With an official decision, youll be able to wrap up the loose ends on a project. Your businesslike attitude will impress the powers that be. Dont be surprised if someone asks you to join a professional partnership on July 23. Working with someone with a flair for public relations will be wonderful. Youd rather be operating from behind the scenes instead of drumming up publicity and handling PR. This alliance will provide lots of healthy give and take since you and your associate are complete opposites in many ways.



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