Daily Taurus Horoscope September 15 (15/09)


Apr 20 − May 20

Alias: Alias: The Bull

September 15


daily taurus horoscope:

summary taurus daily

Star 9/10

It might be time to put your money where your mouth is if youve been doing much talking in a particular way but havent taken necessary action. Talking about what you want to accomplish keeps the dream or vision alive, but the dream or vision deserves effort now. If youre going to keep this in the realms of fantasy, then try to focus on what does inspire you to take action. Strike while the cosmos is as supportive as it is.


summary taurus tomorrow

Star 9/10

Allowing some time to escape and to immerse yourself in a world of fantasy can be relaxing and therapeutic but current planetary aspects suggest this delightful experience will be short-lived. You could be brought back down to Earth with a bump but could also learn something helpful or valuable from your ethereal journey. Just try to keep it brief.


summary taurus weekly

Star 8/10

This week, it could be apparent how persuasive a certain person is or is becoming. Their enthusiastic way with words could draw you into an arrangement or commitment that, with hindsight, youll wish youd given more thought to. Dont forget that a final decision is yours about how involved you choose to be. Dont feel obliged to succumb to pressure this week. If anything, you have a chance to be more of a leader than a follower.


summary taurus monthly

Star 9/10

A strong sense of pride could come from effort made in the past and present where your home and family are concerned. Dont allow modesty to cause you to ignore praise coming your direction for whatever youve instigated domestically. Its not only this that brings a fantastic feel-good factor to your world this month. The cosmos is focusing exceptional effort on enhancing romance and pleasure. Meeting or connecting with a certain person is not out of the question. If youre an attached Taurean, then intimacy between you and the object of your affections could be like nothing youve experienced in a while or before!


health taurus daily

Star 7/10

The atmosphere of the day provides lots of energy and shows you that you need to engage your mind to manage your body. Think of your mind as the heroic forest ranger who contains a raging fire. There is a lot of positive use in fire, but it must be contained. Discipline is the name of the game. Use your mind to convince yourself to get your running shoes on, to prepare a healthy dinner, or to get up and refill your water glass.


health taurus tomorrow

Star 9/10

You may feel lonely and blue today for no apparent reason. Don\t succumb to the temptation to close yourself off - we all need a hug once in a while! Start thinking about social activities that make you feel good. Is there a book club you\ve been hearing about that you\d like to join? Does volunteer work appeal to you? Septemberbe you know someone who would start taking yoga classes with you once a week. The effects of yoga are profound.


health taurus weekly

Star 8/10

You\re ready to take the world by storm. There\s no stopping you in your quest for good health. You\re determined to leave no stone unturned and no remedy untested in your desire to slow the aging process, stay in shape, and keep your looks for as long as possible. The best advice for you is to be realistic. Give yourself a chance to succeed. Don\t aim too high and set yourself up for failure.


health taurus monthly

Star 8/10

Theres a revolutionary influence that could change your health and well-being for the better. Over this month, optimistic Jupiter in your health zone links with innovative Uranus in a quieter sector of your chart. This could see you taking on board beliefs that encourage you to completely change your routines for something more dynamic. Taking up a spiritual discipline that can impact diet and exercise could see you eating more healthfully, learning more about whats best for your body, and taking the time to rest, meditate and reflect. Its all about regaining your physical equilibrium and finding inner peace.


love taurus daily

Star 7/10

You have an opportunity to get to know that special person whose quiet air of authority attracts you. Today you may have the chance to work together, which highlights just how much you have in common. As both of you tend to be modest, it may take a while to really get off the ground. But at least you\ll have made a start.


love taurus tomorrow

Star 10/10

There is a feeling of great intensity between you and your loved one today. You have the chance to transform an aspect of your relationship that has needed healing for some time. You have every opportunity to recreate it on a new level, but it does need some talking through, especially concerning aspects of the past. Get down to working it out.


love taurus weekly

Star 9/10

Dont expect things to go as normal in the first part of the week. You have your predictable moments, but you cant really count on anything right now. Pay close attention to conversations at the end of the week, because there may be hidden meanings and double entendres when you read between the lines of your texts and DMs. It would be nice if people would just say what they mean, but confusion is unavoidable in the world of virtual communication.


love taurus monthly

Star 10/10

You have a hard time deciphering whos real and whos fake during the sun/Neptune opposition on September 5, and your blurriness could result in bad dating decisions. You cant change the past, but you can vow not to repeat obvious romantic mistakes in the future. The lunar month ends with a Pisces full moon in September 6, giving you the opportunity to get closure once and for all. Theres no time for regret. Just move on and dont look back. The sun shifts into beauty-loving Libra on September 22, emphasizing romantic poise and grace. You cant always be the winner, but you can act like one.


career taurus daily

Star 10/10

Have more confidence in your work and the way you present it. Most of the opinions that your employers have of you stem from your own attitude and your own confidence in the work you do. Express yourself with a smile at all times.


career taurus tomorrow

Star 10/10

The flashes of creativity you receive will be very important to you. Recognize these insights and act on them. It is important that you stimulate this part of your brain in order to balance out all the thinking and data processing you do with the other half.


career taurus weekly

Star 10/10

Watch what you say at the beginning of the week. You may be feeling the need to defend your point of view. Midweek can bring unexpected challenges. Some people may be rather short-tempered. You shouldn\t take this personally. Some problems may reach a point of crisis or decision. If you\re coping with a stressful person or situation, get help from those above you or start looking for something better. Take a break from the usual routines.


career taurus monthly

Star 9/10

Make sure to attend a professional conference in the first half of September, when the full moon rewards teamwork. Youll make some beneficial alliances at this meeting. If you feel youve outgrown this organization, officially resign. Leaving the group will give you more time for the creative pursuits you enjoy. Dont worry. The friendships youve made will remain long after you leave. Youll be invited to take a risk on or around September 20. Instead of taking a gamble, maintain the status quo. The conflicted new moon makes a seemingly surefire deal more flawed than you think. Keep doing what has worked in the past.



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